New & Revised Policies

University Policy 605.5 , Marketing Communications

  July 12, 1999

Status: Revised

This University Policy has been revised to clarify a number of details related to publications and printing at UNC Charlotte. Specifically, it now provides that the offices of Undergraduate Admissions, the Provost, and Publications and Printing Services are responsible for reviewing and approving certain major University publications that are distributed to the general public. In addition, internal publications for limited off-campus distribution may now be submitted directly to the University's contract printer, instead of submitting them to the manager of Printing Services. However, all publications to be produced by a printer other than the University's contract printer must be approved by the Director of Publications and Printing Services or the Director of Purchasing. Standards for letterhead, envelopes, business cards, University trademarks and service marks, and undergraduate departmental recruiting brochures are all available from Publications and Printing Services, and must be observed. All printing that can be performed by the University's contract printer will be performed by that printer, unless it requires process color printing and is estimated to cost over $2,500, in which case it must be sent out for bids. Finally, the policy is revised in accordance with North Carolina statutes requiring that statements regarding nondiscrimination and cost of printing be printed in certain publications and requiring certain mailing lists to be updated annually.

University Policy 102.9 , Senior Academic and Administrative Officers

  June 4, 1999

Status: Revised

This University Policy has been revised to achieve consistency with recently revised regulations of the UNC Board of Governors related to Senior Academic and Administrative Officers. In accordance with those regulations, this policy clearly designates employees covered by University Policy 102.9 as "Senior Administrative Officers." In the list of Senior Administrative Officers, the title of "Provost" has been change to "Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs," and "Dean, Graduate School" has been changed to "Dean, Graduate School and Associate Vice Chancellor for Graduate Programs." Finally, Appendix I consists of the newly revised Board of Governors' regulations verbatim.

University Policy 102.7 , Personnel Policies for Designated Employment Exempt from the State Human Resources Act

  June 4, 1999

Status: Revised

This University Policy has been revised to achieve consistency with recently revised regulations of the UNC Board of Governors related to Senior Academic and Administrative Officers. The Board of Governors' revised regulations designate certain employees (already covered by University Policy 64) as one category of "Senior Academic and Administrative Officers." Now known at UNC Charlotte as "Principal Administrators," this group consists of certain employees who were already covered by University Policy 102.7 but who were not previously considered Senior Academic and Administrative Officers. The Board of Governors' revised regulations do not result in any substantive change in coverage or in the policies and procedures under University Policy 102.7.

University Policy 604.2 , State-Owned Vehicles

  April 5, 1999

Status: Revised

A recent opinion from the North Carolina Department of Insurance states that North Carolina Motor Fleet Regulations, which carry the force of law, do not permit the use of state-owned vehicles by non-state employees. Therefore, a student must have employee status before driving a state vehicle. Prior information from the Department of Insurance indicated that anyone (including, presumably, a student) could drive a state-owned vehicle as long as he or she was a "contractual agent of the state," and the August 24, 1998 revisions to University Policy 604.2 reflected this understanding by instituting a "Contractual Driver Agency Agreement" that students could sign in order to drive a state-owned vehicle. Based upon the recent clarification from the Department of Insurance, however, the University was compelled to remove that option.

University Policy 402, Student Education Records (FERPA)

  April 5, 1999

Status: Revised

This University Policy, formerly entitled "Educational Records," is renamed "Student Records" and is reorganized and revised to include helpful headings and subheadings that make the policy more "user-friendly" for University students and employees to apply the law regarding access to and disclosure of student records (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act-FERPA). Substantive changes include adding "email address" to the list of items defined as student "directory information," which may be disclosed without a student's consent unless the student affirmatively requests that such information not be disclosed. In addition, the revised policy more clearly states that only those officials who have a "legitimate educational interest" in the records have access to those records without the student's prior consent. The following areas have been added to the list of offices with personnel who have a legitimate educational interest: Learning Center, Career Center (replacing "Placement"), Counseling Center, Director of Athletics, and Graduate Admissions. Finally, the policy includes provisions related to newly enacted statutory requirements under FERPA: Access to Student Disciplinary Records and Parental Notification of Drug and Alcohol Violations.

University Policy 102.6 , Family and Medical Leave for Nine-Month Faculty

  December 21, 1998

Status: Revised

Former sections III.A and III. B have been reversed in order, to clarify that Personal Leave Without Pay must be granted under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and Personal Leave With Pay is a discretionary benefit provided by the University. In addition, the reasons listed under Personal Leave Without Pay (Section III.A.1) have been revised to more clearly reflect the language of the FMLA. Finally, Section III.B.3 has been added to reiterate that taking discretionary Personal Leave With Pay reduces the amount of FMLA Personal Leave Without Pay available in any one twelve-month period.

University Policy 601.11 , Purchasing Policy

  October 5, 1998

Status: Revised

This University Policy has been revised to conform with the new benchmark determined by the North Carolina legislature and the UNC Board of Governors. The benchmark for University purchases that must be subjected to formal competition but that do not require approval beyond the campus has been increased from $35,000 to $200,000.

University Policy 102.7 , Personnel Policies for Designated Employment Exempt from the State Human Resources Act

  September 25, 1998

Status: Revised

This University Policy has been revised to include an effective summary of the UNC Board of Governors' policy setting time limits on appeals from dispositions of certain EPA grievances. Any appeal from a grievance decision by the Chancellor, the Board of Trustees, or the President must be filed within ten (10) days after the grievant receives a decision on the appeal from that officer or body. Provisions detailing these time limits and other appeals procedures are set forth explicitly in Section IV.F of the revised policy statement.

University Policy 604.2 , State-Owned Vehicles

  August 24, 1998

Status: Revised

This University Policy has been revised to require drivers of UNC Charlotte or Motor Fleet Management vans to complete and file a UNC Charlotte Van Driver Authorization Form. After January 1, 1999, all drivers of such vans must pass both a written and driving test conducted by a University-authorized tester. Non-employee students may drive University-owned vehicles not subject to Motor Fleet Management only by completing a Contractual Driver Agency Agreement. The policy also sets forth commercial licensing requirements for drivers of certain vehicles.

[NOTE: See revisions effective April 5, 1999, which supercede part of this August 24, 1998 revision.]

University Policy 605.7 , Open Meetings Requirements

  June 15, 1998

Status: Revised

This University Policy has been restructured and revised to conform with the most recent revisions to the open meetings statutes in North Carolina. The new "Definitions" section describes the UNC Charlotte bodies that are considered public bodies and defines the various types of meetings subject to the open meetings laws. The revised "Procedures" section assigns certain notice responsibilities to the chairs of the affected campus committees. Under the Board of Governors' former interpretation of the definition of a "public body" subject to the law, only the Assistant Secretary of the Board of Trustees carried those responsibilities. Under the revision, the chairs of the various public bodies must inform the Director of the Office of Public Relations of all official meetings, and that office handles all the technical requirements for public notice of open meetings.

The revised University Policy also describes the statutory obligations for keeping minutes of all meetings, lists the limited permissible grounds for going into a closed session, and describes the procedures for going into and coming out of closed sessions. Attached to the policy statement is a "Motion to Go into Closed Session," specifically identifying the legal basis for meeting in closed session, which must properly be made and adopted at the open meeting.