New University Policy 602.9, Naming Opportunities

Effective Date: 
Friday, February 19, 2016
Newly Approved

University Policy 602.9, Naming Opportunities, sets out definitions for “facilities” and “programs,” provides detailed procedures for naming, and establishes the naming approval process. In accordance with Board of Trustees bylaws, the policy also provides that the Chancellor has final authority to establish the names of rooms, exterior spaces, interior spaces, landscape materials, benches, sculptures or other objects and associated exterior furnishings that may be marked by a tablet or plaque, as well as "programs" including departments, degree programs, archives, collections, and other units associated with University functions (other than colleges and schools). It clarifies that pursuant to the Board of Trustees bylaws, the Board of Trustees has final authority to establish the names of colleges, schools, buildings, streets, and other facilities. Finally, the policy provides that the Vice Chancellor for University Advancement will develop associated Named Gift Standards, and it establishes a Named Gift Committee for review of those standards annually.