Revised 402

Effective Date: 
Thursday, October 19, 2006

This University Policy has been revised as follows:

  1. Additional University officials are listed as those with “legitimate educational interest” who, under FERPA, may have access to student education records without prior consent of the student. (See Section II.B.2)
  2. Addition of the requirements for the University to make and keep records of requests for and disclosures of education records, as required be the FERPA regulations at 34 CFR 99.31. (See Section II.D)
  3. Addition to the list of circumstances allowing disclosure of education records without prior written consent of the student: (1) Federal, State, and Local Officials and Educational Authorities, and (2) certain organizations for the purposes of Institutional Studies, as required by the FERPA regulations at 34 CFR 99.31. (See new Sections II.B.12 and II.B.13)
  4. Addition of the list of disclosures for which the University does not need to keep records those disclosures to a party seeking or receiving the records as directed by a Federal grand jury or other law enforcement subpoena when the issuing court or other issuing agency has ordered that the existence or the contents of the subpoena or the information furnished in response to the subpoena not be disclosed, as required by the FERPA regulations at 34 CFR 99.32. (See new Section II.D.5)