Revised 706

Effective Date: 
Monday, March 23, 1998

This university policy has been revised to allow non-student groups with proper approval to serve alcohol in areas other than the Cone Center rooms, the Cone Center Plaza, the cafeterias, and the Rathskeller, and to allow only non-student groups with proper approval to serve mixed drinks only at certain limited campus events. The revisions also add a specific requirement that noticeably intoxicated persons may not be admitted or served at campus events and clarify that all sales of alcoholic beverages are prohibited. In addition, this university policy has been rearranged so that legal definitions of certain alcoholic beverages are set forth in the text of the policy, rather than in footnotes. The revised policy includes a summary of the applicable State laws governing the use and possession of alcoholic beverages on the University campus, and includes a clear statement that violation of the Alcoholic Beverages policy may result in disciplinary action by the University. Finally, the revised policy requires groups planning to serve alcoholic beverages at a campus event to complete an "Acknowledgement of Responsibility" form. A "Special Circumstances Approval" form must also be completed to obtain certain specified exceptions to the Alcoholic Beverages policy. Both forms are included as appendices to the policy.