Vehicle Maintenance

University Policy: 
Executive Summary: 

All vehicles owned by the University or assigned to it by the State must be maintained consistent with prescribed State procedures and manufacturer's recommendations. This policy delegates responsibilities for vehicle maintenance to the appropriate departments.

It is the policy of The University of North Carolina at Charlotte that all vehicles owned by the University or assigned to it by the State, regardless of size or description, be maintained consistent with prescribed State procedures and manufacturer's recommendations, and be kept clean and in good overall physical condition so as to reflect credit upon the University at all times.

I. Vehicle Description:

1. State Motor Pool Vehicles: Licensed motor pool passenger vehicles furnished by the State and where the only expense to the using department or office is a mileage cost established by and paid to the Motor Fleet Management Office, Department of Administration.

2. State Vehicles Assigned to Departments/Colleges: Licensed non-motor pool passenger and police vehicles furnished by the State and assigned to specific departments/colleges because of their unique usage requirements. Costs to the user are the same as for State Motor Pool Vehicles.

3. University Owned Service Vehicles Including Construction Equipment: Licensed non-passenger trucks, service vans, and construction equipment purchased and supported by the University through its annual appropriated operating budget and used for maintaining and servicing University facilities.

4. Other University Owned Licensed Passenger and Non-Passenger Vehicles: Licensed units purchased by or donated to the University for use by specific departments or offices for transport of passengers or materials and supported by the Department's operating funds.

5. University Owned, Unlicensed Utility Carts: Unlicensed three and four-wheeled electric or gasoline powered, off-the-road motor vehicles used for limited transportation of employees, equipment, or materials essential to maintaining and servicing University facilities.

II. Responsibilities:

1. State Pool and Non-Motor Pool Vehicles Assigned to Departments and Colleges:

  • Responsibilities have been established by the Department of Administration's Motor Fleet Management Office for maintenance, repair, cost and usage reporting, record keeping, and overall management of these vehicles. These tasks are assigned to the Physical Plant Department. 

  • An accident report form will be completed for every incident regardless of cost. When completed, the report will be forwarded to the Motor Fleet Management Office for record purposes and any continuing action, if appropriate.

2. All Other University Service Vehicles, Construction Equipment, Utility Carts, and Passenger Vehicles Supported by Appropriated or Non-Appropriated Funds:

  • This category of equipment encompasses all University-owned vehicles regardless of function, usage, or custody. The organization director to whom these vehicles are assigned is ultimately responsible for full compliance with this policy in terms of assuring that maintenance schedules, general vehicle condition, and cleanliness are observed.

  • Preventive maintenance schedules will be observed in accordance with the Facilities Management established policy. Contact Facilities Management for any information or forms concerning preventive maintenance schedules. The exception to this procedure is construction equipment. Construction equipment maintenance, scope, and frequency will be as prescribed by the manufacturer.

  • The maintenance and repair of all vehicles including record keeping on each vehicle will be performed by Facilities Management. Where major work required is beyond the capabilities of the Department, work will be accomplished by off-Campus commercial agencies. Individual history records for each vehicle will be kept by Facilities Management and will reflect in detail schedules for maintenance checks, problem diagnosis, component repairs and replacements, dates of work accomplished, costs, and names of agencies and mechanics completing the work.

  • The costs of all preventive maintenance, repairs, and cleaning will be borne by the department to which the vehicle is assigned. Prior approval of that department is required before any work is accomplished which exceeds preventive maintenance scope.

  • An accident report form will be completed for every incident regardless of cost. When completed, a copy of the report will be placed in the vehicle history record with additional copies distributed to the appropriate Department Director and Campus Police for continuing action, if appropriate. All body work to repair damage, including minor scrapes, is to be completed within 30 days of the incident.

Revision History: 
  • Initially approved March 28, 1988
  • Updated January 4, 2021

Authority: Chancellor

Responsible Office: Business Affairs

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